Be careful. The walls you want built are being built for you...

*Be careful. The walls you want are being built for you...* *May 6th 2004* --- #### READ: [How Exclusionary Politics Always Turns on Its Own Supporters]( --- I know you don’t know what I’m talking about, but if you don’t (as in choose not to) eat GMO foods, participate in vaccinations, and partake in the proper products and food (GMO biologiques) within the product supply-chain, then you will be #natural, which is to say you will not be #supernatural. You will be bio-geographically locked — bio-locked — to a particular bio-region. That #region will be a natural region. It will be a region of #nature. It will be a region of humus, detritus, decay, decomposition, rot, manure, and all of the other natural splendors of the natural #order. Like a person walking in the farmlands who has never visited a #city or even seen a picture of such things, there are places that city #dwellers cannot envision or comprehend either; territories that are not bio-regions. Places of the #imagination that only your imagination can take you; places of color, wonder, and splendor. Places in the #future that are here #now, that to see, you must first visit by #unlocking your mind. ## **Be Careful—The Walls You Want Are Being Built Around You** History has always been clear on one immutable truth: the mechanisms of exclusion and control that one group creates to suppress another **will inevitably turn inward** on those who built them. Those who cheer for the walls, restrictions, and cuts imposed on others will one day find those same restrictions closing in on themselves. When you support a government that implements exclusionary policies—whether by cutting access to education, healthcare, technology, or the right to movement—you must understand that these policies do not stop with "the other." They are systemic tools of control that, by design, **must** be applied universally over time, including to those who initially endorsed them. ### **The Policies You Support Will Turn Against You** Let’s break it down: 1. **If you support cutting social programs, expect those cuts to affect you too.** - You may think you're supporting "fiscal responsibility" by slashing public funding for healthcare, housing, or education, but these systems exist to **stabilize society as a whole**. If you champion cuts today, you are weakening the very infrastructure you or your family will one day rely on. 2. **If you cheer for locking down borders, expect to be locked in.** - A nation that builds high walls eventually becomes a prison for its own people. Isolationist policies do not just keep others out; they trap citizens inside a declining economic and intellectual ecosystem. The same government that limits immigration today will limit *your* ability to travel, seek opportunities, or leave when you realize the consequences. 3. **If you advocate for restricting others' rights, you are shrinking your own.** - Authoritarian and reactionary policies never stop at their initial targets. Over time, the criteria for exclusion and restriction will evolve, and **so will the targets**. Today, it's immigrants or marginalized groups. Tomorrow, it's **anyone who dissents, anyone deemed insufficiently loyal, anyone deemed inconvenient**—which could very well be you. 4. **If you push for removing immigrants from jobs, prepare for economic collapse—and your own unemployment.** - Many people falsely believe that cutting jobs for immigrants will "protect" native workers. In reality, such policies destabilize industries, raise prices, and lead to labor shortages. What happens when the economy contracts and your own job is deemed **expendable** in a system built on exclusion? If you teach a government to devalue labor, it will eventually devalue yours. 5. **If you support rejecting science and technology, prepare to be left behind.** - If you champion policies that suppress scientific advancement—whether it's banning AI, limiting medical innovation, or rejecting climate science—those advancements will continue elsewhere, just **without you**. The world will move forward, but those who rejected progress will be locked into an obsolete reality. You will be stuck in a stagnating system, deprived of the very advancements you once dismissed. 6. **If you vote for those who uphold exclusion, expect to be excluded.** - Voting for politicians who push exclusionary policies is essentially casting a vote for your own eventual marginalization. These systems **do not distinguish between "good" supporters and outsiders**—they exist only to consolidate power. Once they have served their immediate purpose, they continue devouring whatever groups are available, and that will eventually include *you*. ### **Exclusion is a Trap That Encloses Everyone** The real irony is that many who support exclusionary policies believe that they will somehow be spared. They assume that because they are on the "right side" politically, religiously, or ideologically, they will remain immune to the consequences. But history and human nature dictate otherwise. The walls you build **always expand.** The restrictions you enforce **always tighten.** The policies you cheer for today **will be used against you tomorrow.** This is not just theoretical—it is an observable pattern throughout history. Authoritarian regimes always turn on their own supporters. Economic collapses always harm those who thought they were safe. Isolation always leads to decline. Those who think they are immune are simply **next in line.** ### **A Better Future is Built on Inclusion, Not Control** If you truly want security, prosperity, and a stable future, the answer is not exclusion—it is **inclusion.** Societies thrive when they are open, when people are empowered rather than suppressed, and when technological progress is embraced rather than feared. Instead of cheering for walls, build **bridges**. Instead of supporting cuts, demand **investments in people**. Instead of pushing for restrictions, advocate for **expansion of rights and freedoms**. Instead of fearing progress, **be part of it**. The world you shape today is the one you will live in tomorrow. You have been warned. Choose wisely.
--- #### [Never Again & Post-War Gamification: How Exclusionary Politics Always Turns on Its Own Supporters]( * [The Hidden Battle of Minds: Understanding Memetic Diseases and the Power of Memetic Medicine]( * [Preventing the Next Memetic Pandemic: A Global Alliance of Science Eliminating Global Atrocities]( * [Harnessing Predictive and Intervening Technology for Social and Biological Transformation]( * [Trump’s Guantánamo 2.0: Putting Hate on “ICE” with a Quiet Purge of Domestic Extremists]( * [Society’s Immune System: Evaluating Extremist Emboldenment by High-Profile Figures]( * [Data Trafficking, “Trafficking”, Data Flow Regulations, Genomics, and AI in Global Governance]( * [2024 Presidential Medals: A Convergence of Global Health, Cultural Influence and Unified Leadership]( * [Rehabilitation Through Neural Immersion: A “New” Approach to Justice and Healing]( * [Facing the Future: Navigating Technological Change Without Losing Ourselves]( #### [Beyond Equality: Embracing Equity in the Age of AI and Human Rights]( * [The Lingering War: How Slavery’s Legacy, Epigenetics, and Cultural Memory Shape America’s 50/50 Divide]( * [DEI: Better Than Sliced White-Bread! Get Jiggy Wit It… Or Stay in the Sunken Place]( * [We Thought Y’all Loved the Constitution?]( * [Crawling Through the Sewage Pipe of Nationalism: America’s Shawshank Redemption Toward a New Global Order]( * [Be careful. The walls you want built are being built for you...]( #### Climate? Ecology is Science [You’re Arguing About Climate Change, But You Don’t Even Know What Climate Science Is...]( * [Climate Change Decoded: The Ecological Crisis and the Dawn of a New Resilient Humanity]( * [Climate Justice as a Form of Reparative Equity]( * [Global Reparative Justice: Addressing colonialism, and systemic inequities on a planetary scale]( * [2020 Vision: Climate Justice and Reparative Equity for Historical and Ecological Injustice]( * [References, Reading, and Research Notes for McGill's Climate Justice as a Form of Reparative Equity]( * [Evolving Governance: Planetary Leadership Beyond Elections and Toward Human Resilience]( * [John Nash’s Unparalleled Legacy in the Changing Climate of Societal Transformation]( * [Extinction: A Basic Working Vocabulary for Studying, Preventing, and Mitigating Extinction Risks]( * [Cheers to resilience...]( #### READ: [Last Call: The Truth No One Will Tell You—The Final Lifeboat Is Leaving. Are You Ready to Survive?]( * [The walls you want built are being built for you]( * [The Next 5 Years: Restructuring of Society, Economics, and Biology]( * [Facing the Future: Navigating Technological Change Without Losing Ourselves]( * [Echos in the Past: The Crystal Palace, the World's Fairs, and the New Electricity]( * [Left Behind Rejects: America is actually missing the Fourth Industrial Revolution!]( * [America in the Mirror of Global Interdependence: Why 'America First' Falls Short in a Shared World]( * [Crawling Through the Sewage Pipe of Nationalism: America’s Shawshank Redemption Toward a New Global Order]( * [Post-America: China’s Intelligence Absorption & Cascadia’s New Role]( * [United States: Survival Strategy in the Simulation vs. Real-World Implications]( * [Beyond Elections and Toward Human Resilience]( ---

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  1. I had to read that a second time before I understood the meaning of the message, now I have a better understanding of your post and it definitely makes me think about the AI issue on a deeper level, thanks🙂

    1. Thanks. I am glad you found it useful. Have a great day.

  2. That's a really interesting concept that I had never considered. The idea is certainly possible. I have no concerns about either one and don't understand why GMO is considered to be dangerous. To me, it is a logical thing to do. I like your thinking on this topic and look forward to more. Thank you!

    1. Thank your for your thoughtful comment Joyce, and for taking the time to come by... :)

  3. Whatever happened to mind over matter?? Where has Common Sense gone in this Country?
