
LGBTQ+ Some People Would Rather Die So They Can Hate, Than Love So They Can Live

I hope for a world where I no longer have to run. I’ve spent too many years running—running from bullies who tormented me as a child, running from those who now hide behind their faith, praying for the eradication of those different from themselves.

A Personal Journey Through Hatred and Progress

Hatred often manifests as an absurd force, irrational and destructive to others, and even to itself. I know this all too well, as my earliest memories as a child in the South revolve around being mocked and beaten because I "talked gay." The absurdity? The reason I was bullied was that my family was educated, and "talking educated" meant I was somehow different, an "other." From a young age, I learned that to be different in any way was to be dangerous.

One moment stands out, a defiant act that my neighbor Laura calls the "kissing robot" event. After being assaulted for "sounding like a faggot," I kissed a boy in front of my attackers and told them, "Imagine I am a robot, programmed to act." With the help of a trusted friend, I executed my "programmed kiss," stunning my bullies. It was an attempt to show the absurdity of their hatred. Despite my act of defiance, school remained a difficult place, and the bullying persisted. I was in the second grade.

Leaving the South for various reasons, I believed these issues would stay behind. By the early 1990s, I had found solace in creative communities—two gay roommates, theater enthusiasts, science nerds, and band geeks. My life was filled with people who celebrated individuality. One of my first interviews was for The Pillar, a gay publication run by my best friend Brandon, whose social circle was filled with vibrant, unique individuals. To me, being around LGBTQ+ people was natural—these were my friends, my tribe. I was a writer, an artist, a creative, a geek, and I liked creative people.

In 2010, I married a bisexual woman, a well-known cult movie producer who had been in two lesbian relationships before we met. For me, this was just part of life. I believed we were moving forward, that love, acceptance, and individuality were winning. Over time, however, she began to stray me from my intellectual passions—science, AI, and life extension research—by not sharing the same excitement, subtly rewarding other interests. I didn’t mind at first, wanting to please her.

A Fracture in Progress: The Sudden Turn of Hatred

In 2019, my world took a disturbing turn when my partner—someone who had once embraced LGBTQ+ culture, attended events with our trans friends, and celebrated diversity—suddenly shifted in a way that I could never have anticipated. She became consumed by a hatred that I couldn’t recognize, a venomous disdain for the very people we had once embraced together. It began slowly at first: offhand remarks about the transgender community, a comment here or there that I would brush off, thinking it was just a phase or a misunderstanding.

But soon, her behavior became alarming. She started obsessively watching strange YouTube videos, often late into the night, featuring bizarre conspiracy theories about transgender people. These videos, produced by faceless creators, were filled with disinformation and hatred, claiming that transgender individuals were part of some sinister agenda. This was unlike anything I had ever seen, and it didn’t stop there. The deeper she went into these rabbit holes, the more extreme her views became.

QAnon was suddenly a household name. I had only heard of it briefly through my brother, who mentioned it in passing, but now, it was all she could talk about. She became fully immersed in this dark world of conspiracy theories, where everything from transgender rights to life-saving scientific advancements were viewed through a twisted lens of fear and paranoia. The narrative she subscribed to became more outlandish by the day—QAnon, which had once been an obscure fringe movement, had now consumed her life.

Suddenly, she loved Trump and all that came with him. She praised his anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, his disregard for science, and his alignment with the most extreme factions of Christianity. It was baffling to witness this shift in real-time. A woman who once celebrated progress and creativity was now vehemently anti-science, anti-LGBTQ+, and anti-anything that didn’t fit within her newfound ideology.

She tried, repeatedly, to convince me of the most bizarre theories. One of her favorites was the idea that Bill Gates (my childhood hero who created Flight Simulator) was secretly a woman, and his wife, Melinda, was actually a man. She presented these ideas as if they were undeniable facts, showing me video after video that "proved" her beliefs. She even said Hillary was a robot on wheels! These videos were absurd, often featuring blurry, edited images and nonsensical claims, yet she accepted them without question. It was as if reality had bent, and she had slipped into a world where facts and logic no longer mattered.

Her descent into conspiracy theories took a bizarre and disturbing turn. While it started with transphobic videos, and non-sense about pizzas, it soon escalated into wild claims. She’d obsessively watch YouTube videos about everything from politicians supposedly eating babies to the belief that transgender people were stealing children and selling them on websites with codewords like a pillow! The darkest and most deranged claim she latched onto was the idea that 10,000 children were being held under the White House, raped and eaten. We are talking about full-on crazytown—an unimaginable world of horrors that she truly believed was real. Watching her spiral deeper into this madness was like witnessing a complete break from reality.

I struggled to comprehend how someone who had once been so accepting could fall so far into the depths of hatred and disinformation. It was a drastic departure from the person I had known, and the constant barrage of transphobic, homophobic, and anti-science rhetoric began to feel unbearable. What once had been a relationship built on mutual respect and understanding had become a battleground for ideologies I couldn’t begin to fathom.

The most heartbreaking part was her absolute rejection of the very community that had always been a part of our lives. The trans friends we had once celebrated, the creative and brilliant LGBTQ+ people who had been a part of our journey together, were now targets of her scorn. She had fallen into a trap—a world where hate was the currency, where disinformation ruled, and where love and acceptance had no place, even though she knew I was a trans-humanist urban hippy.

Her shift was also particularly jarring because her ideas isolated us. We had trans friends, attended LGBTQ+ events, and had once celebrated diversity. The tidal wave of homophobic and transphobic rhetoric that took over our lives was in stark contrast to the vibrant community I had dedicated my life to. I had worked with the United Nations, built diverse, enlightened communities, and fought for equality. Yet here I was, watching the woman I loved spiral into a world of disinformation and hate — and I could not save her.

We Are Going to Have to Accept That Some People Would Rather Die So They Can Hate, Than Love So They Can Live

Something Wicked This Way Comes #MAGA

And the digital landscape has become a battleground of disinformation and hate. Thanks Elon! As I communicate with others on social media, I find myself wading through waves of fabricated, polarized MAGA and Trump-supporting "patriot" profiles. At first glance, many seem progressive—they comment on posts with seemingly aligned values, but a closer look reveals a more sinister reality.

These profiles often feature Trump with an American flag flying as Trump is rushed off stage for his assination shaving incident. They are part of vast networks—nests with hundreds of thousands of similar accounts, all linked together with the same agenda. These accounts are designed to trick users by keeping progressive content at the top while burying hate-filled, extremist posts deeper in their feeds. It’s a manipulation, hoping you won't scroll far enough to see the truth.

If you engage with one of these accounts, you unknowingly connect to an entire web of similar profiles. It’s like a "hate rank" system—once you follow one, others flood your timeline, and their influence seeps into your personalized content. Your feed slowly becomes dominated by extremist propaganda, obscuring the meaningful, progressive posts you once saw. The algorithms prioritize their content, leading you deeper into a cycle of disinformation.

This is a coordinated effort to hijack public discourse, drown out progressive voices, and spread division. It’s disheartening to realize that those spewing hatred and rejecting science are often relying on the very medical advancements being developed by the people they vilify. While they spread their hate, they’re unknowingly dependent on the work of the LGBTQ+ community and progressive scientists to secure the future they claim to want. The irony is undeniable, but the challenge remains real as we navigate this polluted digital landscape.

What strikes me as truly ironic is that many of these same individuals who hate LGBTQ+ people are the ones who will later benefit from the scientific breakthroughs that these communities have contributed to.

The Ironic Twist: Hating Those Who Create the Future They Want

Fast forward to 2024, and something darkly ironic has emerged. The people who spew hatred toward LGBTQ+ individuals—people like my former partner—are also the ones who will one day seek life-extension technologies, gene therapies, and medical advancements developed in large part by LGBTQ+ scientists.

For years, I’ve been fascinated with genomics and life extension. I prepared my body and mind for a future where science would unlock the potential for longevity. I spent thousands on life-extension supplements and lost 150 pounds over five years, awaiting the miracles of gene therapy and pharmaceutical advancements. But now I see the disturbing irony: the very people who want to live forever are those who rail against the communities responsible for creating the future they seek.

The LGBTQ+ community is at the forefront of science, technology, and longevity research. They are at the core of every major scientific institution that contributes to our understanding of genetics, aging, and life extension. From Google Research, Google Labs, HHMI, The Lancet, Johns Hopkins, Elsevier, Springer, Max Planck Institute and Society (MPI for Biology and Aging), Leibniz-Institut für Alternsforschung (FLI), ETH Zurich, PLOS, Wellcome Foundation, Leibniz-HKI, Johnson & Johnson MedTech, EMBL Hamburg, CERN, North Holland’s GÉANT, and eduGAIN—these institutions are powered by the creative brilliance of LGBTQ+ individuals. The Allen Institute, Paul G. Allen Foundation, and Open Education movement are further pillars of this work, supporting innovation in genetics and longevity.

These brilliant minds contribute to our future in profound ways. They push the boundaries of what is possible, driving breakthroughs in genetics, life extension, and AI. Yet the very people who will benefit from these advancements—those who wish to live forever—are the same ones attacking and vilifying the communities responsible for their progress.

They don’t understand the profound contradiction of their desires. They pray for eternal life while advocating for the eradication of the very people making that future possible. They rally against LGBTQ+ individuals while they themselves will one day beg for the life-extending therapies that these scientists create. How can they not see the irony?

Living by the Sword: The Biblical and Natural Law of Consequences

It’s also particularly ironic that many of the same people who oppose LGBTQ+ rights also actively seek to prevent LGBTQ+ families from having children through IVF and other reproductive technologies. Despite this, members of the LGBTQ+ community have been integral in developing these very technologies, which not only help them build families but also contribute to advancements in genetics and longevity research. These breakthroughs are often used by the same Christians who condemn LGBTQ+ people, allowing them to expand their own families and benefit from the very science they oppose when it suits their narrative. This contradiction further highlights the hypocrisy of those who wield hatred while reaping the benefits of progress.

The Bible says, "He who lives by the sword dies by the sword" (Matthew 26:52). This isn’t just a religious doctrine—it reflects the natural law of cause and effect. Those who live in hatred, who foster division and violence, will ultimately be consumed by that same force. They preach the gospel of eternal life through religious salvation, yet they reject the future that science promises—a future driven by the LGBTQ+ community.

As Proverbs 18:21 says, "Life and death are in the power of the tongue." The words we speak, the hatred we foster, these are the seeds of destruction that will bear fruit. The people who denounce science, who reject progress, will find themselves left behind in a world that has no patience for their ignorance.

They live by the sword of hatred, and they will die by it—both literally and metaphorically.

Education, Activism, and Organizations of Hope

In the meantime, we must hold onto hope and take action. Education and advocacy are critical in the fight against hatred and ignorance. Organizations like Stonewall UK, Pride in STEM, GLAAD, LivUni Diversity and Equity, LGBTQ+ STEM, and UEA Pride are on the frontlines, working to ensure that LGBTQ+ individuals are not only protected but celebrated for their contributions to science, technology, and human progress.

These organizations are shaping the narrative of equality, pushing back against the rising tide of hatred, and ensuring that LGBTQ+ voices are heard. From The Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development to the Wellcome Foundation, these groups are leading the charge in advocating for equity and inclusivity in science and beyond.

The battle for the future is being fought on multiple fronts—through science, through activism, and through a commitment to education. We must continue to support these organizations, knowing that they represent the best hope for a future where diversity, creativity, and innovation are seen as strengths, not threats.

A World Where No One Has to Run

When the sun finally sets on this horrific chapter of hatred, I hope for a world where I no longer have to run. I’ve spent too many years running—running from bullies who tormented me as a child, running from those who now hide behind their faith, praying for the eradication of those different from themselves. I dream of a world where no one has to run, where individuality is celebrated, and where love, creativity, and progress guide our collective future.

Conclusion: The Power of Love, Diversity, and Progress

We must accept that some people would rather die so they can hate, than love so they can live. This is the tragic reality we face, but it does not define our future. For every person consumed by hatred, there are countless others building a future rooted in love, creativity, and diversity. The LGBTQ+ community is not just a part of this future—they are leading it, shaping the very foundation of scientific progress and cultural innovation.

As we move forward, we must recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals in every field, from genetics and life extension to AI and cultural progress. The institutions that are shaping our future—CERN, Google Research, HHMI, Max Planck, ETH Zurich, PLOS, Johns Hopkins, Springer, and countless others—are filled with the creative brilliance of LGBTQ+ minds.

In the end, the choice is clear: we can either embrace life in all its beautiful diversity, or we can perish, blinded by hatred. The power to shape the future lies not in our capacity to destroy but in our ability to love, to innovate, and to move forward together.

The future belongs to those who choose love, diversity, and progress. The question is, which side will we be on?

References and Organizations:

  • UNESCO: "Education for Sustainable Development."
  • The Lancet Commission on Global Mental Health and Sustainable Development: LGBTQ+ Mental Health Advocacy and Its Role in Scientific Progress.
  • HHMI: Reports on contributions of LGBTQ+ scientists to genetics and longevity research.

Additional Resources and Organizations


  • The Trevor Project: A leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ youth.
  • Human Rights Campaign: The largest LGBTQ+ civil rights organization in the United States, advocating for equality and justice.
  • GLAAD: The world's largest LGBTQ+ media advocacy organization, working to change the narrative and create a more inclusive media landscape.
  • PFLAG: Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, a national organization offering support and education to LGBTQ+ individuals and their families.
  • It Gets Better Project: A nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a more accepting and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ youth.

Research and Articles:

  • "The Rise of Disinformation and Its Impact on Society" by Stanford University: A comprehensive study on the spread of disinformation and its consequences.
  • "The Impact of Hate Speech on Mental Health" by the American Psychological Association: Research on the psychological effects of hate speech on marginalized communities.
  • "The Role of Social Media in Amplifying Hate Speech" by the Pew Research Center: An analysis of how social media platforms contribute to the spread of hate speech.


  • "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas: A powerful novel about race, justice, and the impact of police brutality.
  • "The End of the World Is Here" by John Green: A thought-provoking exploration of the power of love and connection in the face of adversity.
  • "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho: A timeless classic about the importance of following your dreams and overcoming obstacles.

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