VESPUCCI CRUX - From Marfa Texas to Alpha and Beta Centauri

Navigator! Rosenstadt "Rose City" Castel Gandolfo Sub-Rosa

Italy, Prada de Conflent


  of southern France

prada (प्रद). 

—That gives, grants, confers

Oh Mario...

  Prada your 1913 Grant

Milan, Italy your vow

  having it all 

Such peace and tranquility

In nature denatured

Grant, Give, and Confer

A will and a wish

Cast a digital spell

  Or take away

All the things 

  one cannot have

From the desert inn

A dark desert highway

Of Marfa / / Kybernetics

Truth and lies in Texas

Of Occitania France

And Spain

Let us navigate there

Everything has a beginning...

Oct 9th 2008

I am Trueman

 This Show is Mine

Not Yours Leo Laporte 

or Randal Schwartz

Google Project Zero.


 Silly RootKitty

TWiT. TV / we're live

and Daniella does LA Yoga lol

The NextStep 

  PureDarwin and XMas 

A v0.1 Brain Transplant

To the Cloud Life


The German purity law demands

Like the Rosenstadt Brewery

From Tigard to Mt. Olympia

  Purity checking and beer

No yeast..

Holy Roman Empire

Monks who brew beer like Mt. Angel

  (with a german library)

Catholic church Santa / Xmas

Port ports maritime 

Brew Brew package manager

The Gods of Ports and Vessels 

Freiburg Microbiology

#Germany #Freiburg #Russia (#Prussia) 

#Moscow #BalticStates 

#Freiburg, #OSHU, #AllenInstitute, #MOANA 

#Brodmann area 7 is 

part of the #Parietal #Cortex in the human brain

Seville!  Seville!  Seville!  

Land of Ports / Portland O' MachO

The MACHINE / Ex Machina / Ex / X

I Am

MachO / Blacklist

Dawrin's List Like Santa

A Disney Willow Wand

Cast a digital spell

  Or take away

XNU boot ART

The Den of Multix

The Art is Long Indeed

  (aka grey gandalf)

Like an ArcticFox

Bergamo, Italy

 Bach, Mahler, Buxtehude 

Yoshimoto, and

 Commissario Montalbano of Camilleri

Everything has a beginning...

August 24, 2005

  Spin, spider, spin


  Spin, spider, spin

Let us Navigate

   the Great wave

From Italy to Venezuela 

Apple, Paradise Lost and Found

Jobs; the Houdini who Lived

of all the 88 constellations

lost from view to Europeans 


 'so fair and beautiful that 

no other heavenly sign may be compared'

The modern lie of the south celestial pole

Vespucci Navigates us

NetScape Net Escape

My Dreamscape..

  Alpha and Beta Centauri 

and the stars of Crux

so fair and beautiful

no other heavenly sign 

 may be compared

Find it in the skies of Marfa, Texas

  Lucy those Diamonds

Luci Life eternal

  Navigate the stars

To eternal life...

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