## When Quantum Inquiry Meets Hecklers and Gatekeeping
Recently, I witnessed a troubling display in the **"Quantum Cosmology and Mathematical Physics"** group—a community ostensibly devoted to exploring the most intricate and mind-bending ideas science has to offer. When a member posted about actor Terrence Howard’s unconventional thoughts on rebuilding the periodic table, the response from other members was swift, vicious, and dismissive. Comments like "pseudoscience," "idiot," and "not smart enough" peppered the responses, echoing the frenzied cries of a medieval crowd shouting "heretic" or "witch." It was a digital form of ostracism, a witch hunt disguised in the language of scientific gatekeeping.
The behavior I observed calls to mind historical moments when new ideas were not just criticized, but crushed, often by those afraid of the unknown or eager to enforce the boundaries of accepted knowledge. While today's scientists may not literally burn unconventional thinkers at the stake, the zeal with which some "debunk" and ridicule outsiders can feel equally destructive. The irony here is rich: a group committed to quantum cosmology, a field that challenges our most basic understandings of reality, mocking someone for daring to ask questions outside the mainstream.
In theory, science should welcome curiosity, especially from those who might see the world differently. Yet, when “pseudoscience” is hurled as an epithet, it reveals a discomfort with ideas that resist easy classification—a discomfort that can lead to intellectual stagnation. If scientific communities become exclusive clubs hostile to those who lack traditional credentials or polished methods, they risk betraying the very principles of inquiry they claim to uphold.
> “Terrence Howard, The IRON MAN Actor said that he wants to rebuild the periodic table. He suggests that the conventional periodic table doesn't fully represent the relationships between elements. He claims that elements like hydrogen and carbon share the same "tone" or frequency-specifically referring to the "key of E," at different Hertz values. He describes how these tones double in frequency with each element, such as silicon at 162 Hertz and cobalt at 324 Hertz. Howard proposes that the elements' frequencies (or tones) correspond to their wavelengths, which can be divided down to audible sound. He references a relationship between light, color, sound, and matter, suggesting that matter can be understood through these interrelationships. Howard then mentions Walter Russell's alternative periodic table, which differs from Mendeleev's, describing it as circular and connected through a vortex-like structure. He also discusses elements like hydrogen, carbon, silicon, cobalt, and others being linked and positioned between noble gases. According to him, the visible element hydrogen is the first perceivable substance, and he introduces an idea of "octaves" in elements. He describes carbon as a "bisexual tone" due to its balanced positive and negative charges and notes how fluorine and lithium naturally bond, with fluorine breaking bonds violently to form new ones. Howard suggests that introducing certain elements or their "sounds" (like beryllium) can break molecular bonds, particularly in water.”

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Comment by Bryant McGill / 37 minutes ago:
> "Even if he’s not an uncouth scientist, like some of the cruel comments seem to be (certainly lacking in Goodwill) I think he’s onto something. Maybe he’ll find some friends to help him articulate his ideas scientifically like Einstein was able to do with people who knew symbolic math."
The recent interaction in the "Quantum Cosmology and Mathematical Physics" group highlights a troubling dynamic that surfaces all too often in scientific communities: the dismissive, sometimes mocking treatment of ideas or individuals perceived as outside the mainstream or lacking formal scientific training. The post about actor Terrence Howard's ideas on rebuilding the periodic table—whether unconventional or rooted in genuine curiosity—elicited a barrage of derision, with commenters dismissing his ideas as pseudoscience, calling him an "idiot," and suggesting that he simply isn't "smart enough" to understand the field.
This behavior raises several ethical and philosophical questions about the nature of scientific inquiry, especially in a group presumably dedicated to open-minded exploration of complex topics like quantum cosmology. If scientific communities close the door on unconventional ideas, particularly from those outside traditional academia, they risk stifling the very curiosity that drives discovery. While the rigor of scientific inquiry is essential, so too is the spirit of intellectual humility and goodwill.
### Even Einstein, revered as a revolutionary thinker, found his groundbreaking ideas strengthened by collaboration with those more adept in symbolic math. Without those who supported his unconventional views, his theories might never have gained traction.
Historically, science has advanced through both structured, methodical investigation and bold, unconventional thinking. Figures like Galileo, Tesla, and Wegener, whose ideas initially seemed outlandish, challenged established paradigms and eventually transformed our understanding of the universe. It is not that every idea deserves equal credence; scientific principles are, of course, grounded in rigorous methodology. But the mockery and dismissal of people, rather than thoughtful engagement with ideas, demonstrate a fundamental breakdown in the scientific ethos.
This condescending approach undermines not only the dignity of the individual proposing the idea but also the intellectual integrity of the community. A group dedicated to quantum cosmology and mathematical physics should presumably encourage the kind of imaginative thinking that transcends conventional wisdom, especially in a field as speculative and boundary-pushing as quantum theory. Unfortunately, many individuals within scientific communities fall into a gatekeeping mentality, rejecting unfamiliar ideas without due consideration and fostering an exclusionary environment that discourages intellectual diversity.
Howard’s ideas—based on elemental “tones” and harmonic frequencies—may not align with current scientific models, but they are not without precedent in the history of elemental theory. Concepts of "vibrations" and "frequencies" in elements, although often regarded with skepticism in scientific circles today, have historical roots and continue to provoke curiosity in disciplines like quantum mechanics, string theory, and spectroscopy. In fact, efforts to reconsider the periodic table itself, through alternative arrangements or harmonic perspectives, are ongoing in scientific communities, as scientists strive to account for quantum properties, spectral emissions, and symmetry. This spirit of inquiry—the desire to understand phenomena through new lenses—is central to the evolution of science.
Rather than dismissing Howard's ideas as "pseudoscience," a constructive approach would be to acknowledge his attempt to draw connections between elements based on frequency and resonance, a theme that does resonate, however indirectly, with some ongoing scientific research. For instance, the harmonic or "musical" approach to elements has intrigued certain scientists, who propose organizing elements based on quantum mechanical properties, spectral lines, or even perceived "harmonic" relationships. Though Howard's articulation may lack technical precision, his core idea—a desire to explore elements beyond their atomic numbers—is not absurd. It reflects a layman's approach to a complex issue that is, indeed, being explored by professional scientists, albeit in a different form and with greater technical rigor.
More fundamentally, this scenario calls for a reevaluation of how scientific communities handle unconventional contributions. An essential principle of scientific inquiry is the **willingness to entertain questions**, even those that might initially appear naive or uninformed. When group members resort to mockery instead of discourse, they fail to uphold the principles of inquiry and critical thinking that should define scientific exploration. To brand Howard’s comments as pseudoscience without attempting to understand their underlying curiosity betrays a rigidity that borders on intellectual elitism. Such behavior suggests that only credentialed, academically trained voices deserve to be heard, ignoring the reality that many scientific breakthroughs have come from outside the formal establishment.
Constructive skepticism, grounded in evidence-based inquiry, is different from outright mockery. Healthy skepticism would engage with the ideas, test them against known scientific principles, and encourage further exploration if the ideas seem promising. A science group that reduces itself to gatekeeping and ridicule misses an opportunity to foster genuine inquiry and potentially educate or inspire those who may not yet possess the technical vocabulary but carry the same scientific curiosity that propels discovery.
In an era where science and scientific communities are under heightened scrutiny, it is crucial to model behaviors that reflect the highest standards of intellectual rigor, respect, and curiosity. This means being open to questions, even when they are imperfectly formulated, and recognizing the potential for growth and learning in everyone. The best scientific communities encourage exploration and provide guidance to those seeking knowledge, even when their ideas seem far-fetched. Ridicule has no place in a space that values the integrity of scientific inquiry.
Terrence Howard may never revolutionize the periodic table, but his willingness to question its structure reflects a mindset that science should champion, not belittle. Perhaps with support from those who can articulate his intuitions scientifically, Howard or others like him might refine their ideas into concepts that advance our understanding of elemental relationships. Regardless, the goal should be to engage, educate, and inspire, not to diminish those who approach science with an open mind, however unconventional their ideas may appear. In a world where science is often misunderstood, fostering curiosity is an act of service, one that builds bridges between the scientific community and the curious minds that fuel its future.

# Terrence Howard is onto Something! Checkout these serious scientific attempts to reorganize the periodic table in ways that account for elemental harmonics, spectral relationships, and other fundamental properties
There have been many serious scientific attempts to reorganize the periodic table in ways that account for elemental harmonics, spectral relationships, and other fundamental properties, though these approaches often remain experimental or conceptual due to the traditional structure's widespread acceptance and utility. Here are a few notable attempts and approaches from reputable scientists:
### 1. **Periodic Tables Based on Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Properties**
- **Valence and Orbital Models:** Some scientists have proposed reorganizing the periodic table to emphasize quantum numbers and electron configurations, aligning elements by shared quantum mechanical properties rather than by atomic number alone. For instance, the **Madelung rule** is sometimes used in alternative tables, organizing elements by their electron shell filling order. This approach better visualizes spectral characteristics and atomic radii but can disrupt traditional group and period alignment.
- **Harmonic and Spectral Resonance Models:** The **spectroscopic periodic table** arranges elements based on their atomic spectra and ionization energies. For instance, elements are grouped by their spectral lines or emission/absorption spectra, which connect more closely with quantum energy levels and electromagnetic properties. This approach hasn't gained mainstream traction, but it is a topic of interest in atomic physics for those studying spectral fingerprints.
### 2. **3D and Spiral Models**
- **Theodor Benfey’s Spiral Periodic Table (1960s):** Benfey created a spiral model to represent the periodic table as a continuous, unbroken sequence, which highlights relationships between elements through a more dynamic structure. It spirals outward from hydrogen, which places related elements in closer visual proximity than in a traditional table. Some adaptations of this model use color or shape to indicate spectroscopic properties or harmonics.
- **Edward Mazurs’ Curved 3D Models (1970s):** Mazurs was an early pioneer in exploring three-dimensional representations of the periodic table that could visually connect elements with similar quantum and spectral properties, creating more harmonious and continuous relationships. These attempts have influenced subsequent models that aim to depict the table as a continuous helix or wave.
### 3. **Mathematical and Symmetry-Based Periodic Tables**
- **ADOMAH Periodic Table (Valery Tsimmerman):** The ADOMAH table arranges elements based on quantum number “blocks,” grouping s-, p-, d-, and f-blocks together in a way that mirrors the shapes of electron clouds. This arrangement allows for a more harmonic relationship between elements and emphasizes subshell filling patterns that correlate with spectral and energetic relationships.
- **Group Theory and Symmetry Models:** Some chemists and physicists explore periodicity using group theory and symmetry, aiming to create a “harmonic” organization that reflects the underlying symmetries in atomic orbitals. For example, **Lie algebras** and **SU(2) symmetry** have been explored as ways to organize elements through algebraic structures, providing insight into isotopic and spectral relationships that aren't apparent in the traditional table.
### 4. **Extensions into Higher Dimensions and Multidimensional Models**
- **Four-Dimensional Models (Ruch & Lesch):** In the 1970s, Hans Ruch and Bernd Lesch developed a 4D model of the periodic table that incorporates spin and magnetic properties, attempting to capture additional relationships between elements by adding a fourth spatial dimension. This approach aimed to create a “hyper-spectral” perspective on the periodic table that would connect elements based on their magnetic and quantum characteristics.
- **n-Dimensional Periodic Tables for Isotopic and Spectral Harmonization:** Recent studies in quantum information theory and materials science have examined periodic relationships beyond atomic number, considering isotopic variations and spectral line relationships in multi-dimensional spaces. These studies often use computational models to optimize the arrangement of elements by their spectrum, valency, and isotopic stability, proposing tables that would shift and reorder based on observed harmonic or quantum relationships.
### 5. **Efforts by Respected Figures and Physicists**
- **Glen Seaborg’s Actinide-Lanthanide Concept (1950s):** While Seaborg is often credited with restructuring the periodic table to place lanthanides and actinides at the bottom, his work on “transuranic” elements inspired thoughts on further reorganizations based on nuclear stability and harmonic grouping. Seaborg himself suggested that as new superheavy elements are discovered, a further reshuffling based on isotopic stability and resonance might be necessary.
- **Eric Scerri’s Philosophical Approach:** A respected chemist and philosopher of science, Eric Scerri has advocated for viewing the periodic table not as a rigid structure but as a flexible model that can evolve. Scerri's research explores alternative groupings based on fundamental chemical and physical properties, including spectral characteristics. He posits that as our understanding of quantum mechanics deepens, the periodic table might eventually adopt new configurations that reflect harmonic and atomic behavior more faithfully.
### 6. **"Musical" or Harmonic Theories of Elements**
- **Octaves and Harmonic Resonance Models:** Some researchers, inspired by the musical octaves analogy, have speculated about a “harmonic” periodic table where elements are arranged by harmonic intervals rather than by atomic number. This concept echoes older theories like **Newlands’ Law of Octaves** (pre-Mendeleev), which grouped elements in repeating sequences like musical notes. While largely philosophical, this approach continues to inspire periodic tables that use color and shape to represent harmonic relationships based on atomic spectra.
### 7. **Alternative Groupings Based on Spectroscopy**
- **X-Ray Spectroscopy Periodic Tables (Moseley):** Henry Moseley’s work in the early 20th century used X-ray spectroscopy to confirm the periodicity of elements, leading to the modern ordering by atomic number. Some researchers build on Moseley’s spectral findings, arranging elements by their X-ray and gamma-ray emission properties. This type of table might emphasize elements that have similar spectroscopic “signatures,” linking elements by their emitted energy wavelengths rather than chemical reactivity.
In conclusion, while these attempts often diverge from the widely accepted structure of the periodic table, they illustrate a genuine and ongoing interest in alternative periodic systems that account for spectral, quantum, and harmonic properties. Many respected scientists have explored these models, though none have displaced the traditional periodic table due to its established utility and simplicity. Nonetheless, as quantum mechanics, materials science, and spectroscopy advance, it is possible that a new or complementary system may emerge, aligning more closely with elemental harmonics and spectral relationships.